
Credentials in Consciousness
Agape University faculty are selected on the basis of their personal integrity, tenure in teaching, and spiritual leadership, as well as their demonstrated commitment to proactive solutions for the unique challenges facing twenty-first century humanity. To provide those who study here with the leading edge of emerging New Thought, adjunct teachers renowned in their fields of expertise are frequently invited to present their work to our community and in the classes.


Professional Practitioner Studies

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a Professional Practitioner?  What do they do?  A professional Practitioner is a licensed spiritual counselor who has answered the call to put God first and foremost in his/her life. An Agape Practitioner has engaged in a rigorous consciousness building process which includes specific studies that apply to and prepare the student for advanced participation in spiritual community. The principles of New Thought Ageless Wisdom are the foundation of this training which is intended to develop skills associated with the art of spiritual counseling, community building and spiritual leadership.  This specific course of study allows the student to recognize the power of consciousness and understand Universal Spiritual Principles which, when applied in earnest, can uplift, heal and provide comfort to those who come to him or her for prayer and spiritual counseling. An Agape Practitioner turns first to prayer and meditation as spiritual technology in healing and counseling others. A Practitioner holds the confidence of clients sacred and inviolate. In the law, a Practitioner is recognized as the first level of the clergy, and has privileges of non-disclosure of confidential communications made during counseling sessions, except where such disclosure is mandated by law.


For more information or questions, please contact:
Rev Carlton Teabout
[email protected]

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