Loving Hands Unite

Purpose Statement

Our purpose is to provide a safe, loving home to all participants in the foster care, adoption, and fertility process. We compassionately embrace each person and situation, providing a spiritually based resource that anchors God’s highest vision. Through pure unconditional love, we facilitate the healing of any perceived sense of separation that may have occurred as the result of the ever-changing definition of family. We are inspiring our communities to recognize and live our truth as One Life, United in Love.

Monthly Support Meeting

You are invited to join us from 7:00pm to 8:30pm on the 2nd Friday of each month where members support each other and practitioners embrace every person and situation in affirmative prayer.

Please email: lovinghandsunite @ agapelive.com for info.



We appreciate your support, please click the "donate" button you will be able to set the amount you'd like to donate.